We will:
- notify the buyer once the order is shipped.
- Specify clearly when the item will be shipped
- Only include shipping charges that are actually incurred by us and are related to the cost of shipping and handling the items being delivered.
- Actual cost paid to the shipping service.
- The actual cost of delivery confirmation or extra services, such as certificate of mailing, certified mail, collect the delivery, delivery confirmation, registered mail, restricted delivery, return receipt, signature confirmation, special handling, or similar services. (if needed by the buyer)
- Follow any category restrictions for maximum shipping costs
- Upload and provide accurate tracking details. The tracking number will be provided to the buyer once the item is shipped.
- We are not responsible for the shipment if it is delayed by the shipping company for any unpredictable reasons, such as weather and climates conditions, the shipment itinerary, or being stopped by the customs authorities, or any other administrative procedures.
- The buyer/customer has to be aware of the customs laws of their country before placing an order. There are certain products that are prohibited/ not allowed in certain countries. It’s the customer’s responsibility to check before ordering.
Ordering any items that might be allowed in a certain country is the customer’s responsibility.
Customs Clearance and Duties (if applicable)
- The Shipping Company will notify the buyer in case any customs clearance or duties or required by the border. Please refer to the buyer’s country’s customs and clearance policies.